What is Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Protocol and Does the NSA really broke the algorithm ?
There are a lot of rumors going on that NSA has attempted to break Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol.. Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed in the leaked documents that NSA had already decrypted a tons of encrypted Internet traffic, and James Bamford published an article titled : “The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center…
Why People Think MD5 Algorithm is badly broken !!
Today I’m going to continue our discussion on Hash Functions..but before I start are you one of the people who think MD5 is insecure without any clue what so ever just hearing from the people !! Okay so I’m going to explain why ? and hopefully after reading this post you will be able to…
Hash Functions in Cryptography and How They Operate
Today’s post about Cryptographic Hash Functions and how they role in cryptography, So to start our talk let’s define what is Hash Functions ? Hash Functions are special kind of functions that take arbitrary length of input and generate a short fixed values, in other words mapping long input string to a short output string and sometimes called …
Crypto Ghost – File Encryption for Android OS
Crypto Ghost is a File encryption application that run on Android platform, it’s only job is protecting your files from unauthorized access by encrypting your files , Crypto Ghost is using modern cryptography ( There is a paper published based on this project) and you can check the specifications of this application and how it’s…
How Pseudo Random Number Generators Works
In any system that we develop we sometime need to generate random numbers or random values so we will use any random generator without asking if it’s really providing real randomness or not, And also when we deal with cryptography we need to use a random generator but this time we will check what if…
Why using non-Random IVs in CBC mode will count as vulnerability ?
Cipher Block Chaining “CBC” IBM invented the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode of operation in 1976, In CBC mode, each block of plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext block before being encrypted. This way, each ciphertext block depends on all plaintext blocks processed up to that point. To make each message unique, an initialization…